What to Know About Palatal Expanders

Early treatment can radically simplify later treatment and, in some cases, can help you avoid later treatment altogether. It allows your dentist and orthodontist to monitor the growth of the jaw and guide incoming permanent teeth. It enables the doctor to regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches to gain space for permanent teeth, avoid the need for extractions, and reduce the likelihood of impacted permanent teeth. Our office in Issaquah provides this early treatment, serving patients in both Issaquah and Sammamish.

With years of experience straightening smiles for the Issaquah area, our knowledgeable Dudley Smiles Orthodontist team knows your treatment may require more than just straightening your teeth. Facial asymmetry, caused by a narrow upper jaw or crossbite, is not just an aesthetic concern for some patients. It can also contribute to other oral and general health concerns like head and jaw pain. Our doctor can utilize an orthodontic appliance called a palatal expander to correct the shape of your upper jaw. 

In simple terms, this device can apply constant pressure to your jaw and is slowly manipulated over time to widen the upper jaw allowing space for permanent teeth to grow in and existing teeth to be adjusted appropriately. This treatment is most often used in children during facial growth when the bone is easier to change, but patients can also use it for adult palate corrections with excellent results. Let’s dive in to understand precisely what palatal expanders are, how they work, and if this might be a good option for your orthodontic journey. 

What is a palatal expander?

The upper jaw grows in two separate pieces as your mouth matures to account for this growth. It isn’t until closer to puberty that the two halves bind together to form a solid supporting structure. Our expert team can utilize this permeability to help provide your teeth space to grow and align your upper jaw with your lower jaw for optimum alignment and bite. 

The palatal expander is custom-made from Dr. Dudley’s 3-D digital scan of your upper jaw and teeth. This scan is digitally sent to a lab, where the data is turned into a high-grade metal appliance that your orthodontist will install on the roof of your mouth. The device consists of two halves connected in the center by a screw that your orthodontist will instruct you to turn with a unique key on a specified schedule. This process takes time as it keeps pressure on both halves of the jaw bone, causing them to widen as intended, and is typically left on for a short time after the desired results are achieved to allow time for the bone to get used to its new position.

Who Needs a Palatal Expander?

Palatal expanders are used to slowly expand the roof of the mouth and widen the upper jaw meaning anyone can require this specific orthodontic treatment. Malocclusions like an overbite, or when your upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth, can lead to complications like jaw and head pain, tooth decay and gum disease, and even sleep apnea. While having a narrow jaw can affect tooth alignment, leading to impaction and broken teeth or even obstruction of permanent teeth that have yet to grow in. A palatal expander can make both of these dental corrections.

Before puberty, your bones are still growing and forming, making them a bit softer than adult bones. This is also true for your jawbones and means this treatment is quicker and most effective when used during adolescence before adult teeth are entirely in place. It is not to say that adults can not benefit from the orthodontic treatment of palatal expanders, but you should expect a bit more discomfort and time to reach your desired results.

What to Know About Palatal Expanders

Different Types of Palatal Expanders

Depending on the adjustments needed for your unique jaw, there are several different types of palate expanders. Some expanders are fixed, and some are removable, but all palatal expanders are custom-made for the perfect fit for your palate shape and size. Let’s take a look at some of the options in orthodontic expanders. 

Removable Palate Expander

If your jaw corrections are minor, you may best benefit from a removable option. There are many brands, but, in general, this appliance looks similar to a clear aligner tray with a screw in the center. It will need to be worn 24 hours a day but often do not require more prolonged treatment. Removable palatal expanders also do not always require tightening the screw daily like permanent appliances. 

Fixed Palate Expander

The fixed palate expander, most commonly known as the rapid palate expander (RPE), is a system of bands attached to corresponding back molars and connects high in the center of the roof of the mouth with a screw. You will be given a unique key with instructions on how and when to use it to rotate the screw, maintaining adequate pressure for mouth expansion.

The Negatives and Alternatives

As with any procedure that will garner significant results like this, it does require work and commitment. While it may seem that this would be quite a painful experience, it isn’t more than minor discomfort, and typically, that discomfort only lasts a few minutes after adjusting the screw. And, just as with braces, palatal expanders may take a little time to get used as your tongue rests against the expander. This can make speaking, chewing, and swallowing seem a little off, but chances are, you are the only one that notices it, and you’ll get used to it in about a week. 

Orthodontic treatment with a palatal expander can often cause space to form between your upper front two teeth. This spacing is entirely normal, and the gap most often closes on its own, but braces might be a good option for some patients to maintain this change. You may also experience some drooling, a lisp, or even mild headaches during your treatment, especially after tightening the central screw.  

It is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene during this treatment process as it is any other time. Brush and floss regularly and avoid eating chewy, sticky, or hard and crunchy foods to ensure the appliance is not compromised. 

Sometimes, a palatal expander may not be the best option for you or your smile. In those cases, our doctor can recommend traditional braces, removal of impacted or overcrowded teeth, or even jaw surgery to correct the spacing in your jaw. Dudley Smiles Orthodontist has a solution for you regardless of your orthodontic situation!

What to Know About Palatal Expanders

For trusted experience and care, trust Dudley Smiles Orthodontist

Dr. Silas “Si” Dudley and his team are dedicated to providing customized treatments for each of our patients in a way that makes you feel listened to and comfortable throughout the entire process. Our excellent team supports this commitment with energy and an eye for detail, making the whole experience smooth and hassle-free. 

Deciding to seek orthodontic treatment is an exciting step! If you are ready to see what might be the best route to your best smile, we would love to meet with you for a FREE consultation to get to know you better. At Dudley Smiles Orthodontist in Issaquah, WA, we want your time with us to be great. No two people are the same, so no treatment plans should be the same. Keep up with us on social media!

The Different Types of Braces

When asked what your favorite food is, you might have some qualifying questions before coming up with an answer. Favorite sweet food? Favorite savory snack? Favorite meal, dessert, type of food? You can probably choose a preferred option for every category. It’s only normal to have your favorite coffee, body wash, clothing brand, and so on. 

Luckily, we live in a time when you can have your preferred cake and eat it, too. This idea is even carried over in your orthodontic treatment options. While Dr. Silas “Si” Dudley and our skilled team may not be able to help you narrow down which tasty treat or indulgent meal best suits your palate, when it comes to the different types of braces, we have the experience and knowledge to guide you to the choice that best fits your smile needs. Don’t get yourself all worked up in an online search to compare the different types of braces. Our Dudley Smiles team has broken down each orthodontic treatment option so you can quickly determine the differences. 

The Different Types of Braces

We understand that getting your teeth straightened with orthodontics is a big decision. After all, your smile is your first impression in life. Here at Dudley Smiles, we respect your reasons for wanting to improve your smile. We’ll work with you to ensure your orthodontic care with us is among the best experiences you’ve had. With ever-improving dental technology, we assure you get the latest orthodontic treatments. Let us help you make the best investment in your smile!

Traditional Metal Braces

Metal or traditional braces have been around for many decades and are the original powerhouses of orthodontic treatment. Thanks to technological advancements in orthodontics, today’s metal braces are smaller, lighter, and much more effective at significant adjustment needs than their bulky predecessors. 

Traditional metal braces work by attaching a metal bracket to the front sides of your teeth and securing those brackets together with an archwire. This archwire is held on by elastic ties that come in various colors for ultimate personalization. Every 4-8 weeks, Dr. Dudley and our orthodontic team adjust the archwire to create slight but precise tooth movement for the desired outcome.

LightForce 3D-Printed Clear Braces

The clear braces we utilize at Dudley Smiles are the world’s only full custom, 3D-printed ceramic braces – called LightForce braces. This ingenious, high-tech option works similar to metal braces, except this method swaps the metal brackets for clear or tooth-colored polycrystalline ceramic brackets, making them much more esthetic. But going even further, because the braces are 3D-printed, they are completely individualized to each patient, which at times can speed up treatment time. Many teen patients have even found that bright-colored elastic ties can create a color contrast effect that really pops!

Metal braces are known for their durability and strength. Ceramic braces are also tough, but they are made from a different, more fragile material that can be more likely to chip or crack.

Self-Ligating Braces

Another option for braces offered at Dudley Smiles is self-ligating braces. This technique uses metal brackets and wire similar to traditional metal braces, but instead of elastic bands, it uses brackets with unique doors and clips that secure the wire. This design allows the brackets to move along the wire a bit more freely and can cause less irritation and discomfort that is commonly associated with elastic adjustments. We can generally see you less often than traditional braces because we do not need to change the elastic bands as frequently.

The Different Types of Braces

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, have gained popularity in the last decade as technology has made them more inconspicuous, efficient, and budget-friendly. Our office offers both Invisalign and Spark clear aligners. Similar to the post-braces retainer trays they evolved from, clear aligners fit comfortably over your teeth and make minor adjustments over time for patients needing simple corrections as well as for patients who have mild to moderate dental problems like misaligned teeth, large overbite, no jaw alignment problems, or those who have gaps in their front teeth – an open bite. With Dr. Dudley’s extensive experience with Invisalign and Spark clear aligners, we can do most of the same things with aligners as we can with braces, including wearing elastics to correct bite issues. With this anonymous treatment option, your smile is the only thing they’ll see!

Clear Aligners for Teens

Here at Dudley Smiles, we also offer Invisalign and Spark clear aligners for Teens. These adolescent clear aligner options allow us to track compliance and wear patterns better. It also provides extra space for molars that have yet to erupt. 

How Do I Know Which is Best for Me?

We know it can be a tough decision, especially when there is no way for you to know what your tooth and jaw structure look like just from looking in the mirror. We will walk you through a complete oral examination when you come in for your initial consultation. During this tour through your teeth, we will take x-rays and photos to analyze your tooth shape, smile display, and all aesthetic aspects of your lips and mouth. This is done to show you how your smile would benefit from orthodontic treatment and to help us see the functional elements and needs of your teeth and jaws. We want you to know exactly how your face, jaws, and smile would improve from orthodontic treatment and the best way to achieve that goal.

The Different Types of Braces

Discover the Smile of your dreams with braces from Dudley Smiles!

If you live in the Issaquah, Sammamish, Bellevue, or surrounding areas, our compassionate team at Dudley Smiles in Issaquah is here to walk you through the plethora of orthodontic options available to get you the smile that matches your personality. Step by step, we will work alongside you and your family through the treatment and logistics options until we reach a perfect result for you or your child.

Whether conventional metal braces, self-ligating braces, 3D printed clear braces, or clear aligners like Invisalign, we are dedicated to giving you the most-personalized care using the latest orthodontic technologies and treatments. We’ll treat you and your family like you’re our own! Schedule your FREE consultation to let us help make you smile!

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

After all your hard work, you’re probably ready to reveal your beautiful new smile, and we are just as excited as you are to see the transformation! As prepared as you may be to finally get your braces taken off, is your mouth ready for your braces to come off? 

If there’s one thing we can say about our teeth, it’s that they are incredibly stubborn! It requires enormous pressure to move them into the optimal position and allow the gums to grow around that movement to support the changes. For most people, the timeline for wearing braces and making those stubborn movements is about 1-3 years. Some cases can lengthen this process closer to the 36-month mark, but the only way to get to the perfectly aligned smile that lasts a lifetime is to give your whole mouth the proper time it needs to adjust. 

We understand that getting your teeth straightened with orthodontics is a big decision. After all, your smile is the window to your personality. While we may not be able to magically speed up your treatment timeline, the experts here at Dudley Smiles Orthodontist can shed some light on what takes so much time and how to lessen the time you spend in braces. 

It’s just about straight teeth, right?

It won’t take long for your teeth to move enough for you to notice a difference. Most patients can actually see a change in their smile within about six months of getting their braces placed. But this is only the first stage of the process to a lifetime of good oral health, so don’t get too excited just yet. So far, you have only uncrowded teeth or closed gaps on the aesthetic level. If your braces are removed too soon, they will just slip back into their original position.

Next, the focus is on your bite, or how your upper teeth meet your lower teeth. This is extremely important for chewing, and having proper alignment can reduce the wear and damage on your teeth and jaw. Ideally, your braces will also align your teeth for the appropriate overbite during this stage which helps keep your front teeth from wearing down over time. In some cases, correcting bite alignment can actually create a gap in your front teeth during the initial movement. This gap is standard and will be rectified before your braces come off. Removing your braces too soon after closing this gap can cause the gap to return, sometimes years after getting your braces removed.

But things get even more profound. If your teeth need to be straightened, it only makes sense that the roots below will need to be straightened, too. Without ensuring that the roots become parallel with the adjustments of the teeth, the teeth are likely to return to the previous position. This is why taking the time even after your teeth appear straight is essential. So much of this final movement is not visible but is undoubtedly vital to an effective treatment. 

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

What other factors affect when my braces come off?

Your perfect smile is personalized to you, so we take the time from the initial consultation through every appointment to ensure that your care is custom-tailored to your needs, lifestyle, and smile goals. Thanks to technological advancements in orthodontics, there are many braces options available. Each option will give you a straight smile, but some versions are now more efficient at making adjustments and cutting down on the time you spend in braces than patients who utilize conventional metal braces. 

Dental technology is always getting better. At Dudley Smiles Orthodontist, we are excited to offer the latest orthodontic treatments to make your new smile as fast and affordable as possible. By pairing state-of-the-art technology with our thorough understanding of the movement and growth of the teeth and jaws, we can successfully treat many common dental issues in much less time than the bulky braces of old. 

Many factors beyond our control may contribute to the time you spend in braces. The severity of your jaw and bite when you get started, the rate your teeth move, your age, and even your participation in your dental treatment can affect your timeline. Make sure you wear your rubber bands as instructed by your orthodontist and make it to all of your appointments to have the best chance at a timely experience. 

While there is much we may not be able to control, the best thing you can do to stay on track is to follow Dr. Dudley’s instructions during your braces journey closely. There are no magical tips for accelerating your treatment, but you can do a lot to ensure your treatment does not face any slowdowns. Here are a few tips to properly care for your braces and ensure they come off as timely as you expected:

  • Avoid carbonated drinks like soda and sticky or gooey foods like gum, caramel, and other chewy candies, as well as popcorn. Constant chewing can compromise the integrity of your braces’ hardware.
  • Chop your food into smaller pieces and take time to chew slowly. This will help you avoid pain when chewing and helps prevent brackets and wire from breaking.
  • Brush and floss meticulously. You are more likely to avoid setbacks with healthy teeth and gums. 
When Do I Get My Braces Off?

Trust your smile to Dudley Smiles Orthodontist!

Just as unique as you are, your treatment plan varies depending on your unique situation. Working with an experienced orthodontist like Dr. Silas Dudley in Issaquah, WA guarantees you’ll receive the best care for your individual needs. At Dudley Smiles Orthodontist, getting a beautiful, straight smile is easier than ever. Our skilled team promises to give you exceptional care in a family-oriented and professional setting. 

Our office is conveniently located in Issaquah, so your orthodontic treatment is close to home, school, or work. With innovative technology, an inviting atmosphere, and friendly staff, we’re proud to offer an exceptional orthodontic experience. Schedule an appointment or FREE consultation today if you’re interested in finding out when you might be ready to get your braces off, or you are prepared to learn more about the best teeth straightening options for you or your loved ones! 

Invisalign: Fact or Fiction

Technology has given us a lot of advancements in orthodontic treatment that make your options both budget and lifestyle friendly. Not only have traditional metal braces become much easier to wear, but we have had many innovative advancements in the possibilities of achieving your perfect smile pretty close to your preferred terms without them. These advancements make it easier than ever to reach your smile goals.

Not interested in rocking the metal brackets and wires look? Invisalign and Spark are the clear aligner systems we use in our office. Clear aligner systems are one of these cutting-edge advancements that may be just right for you. Clear aligners offer an innovative approach to orthodontics using a series of custom-made, invisible aligners. Using 3-D computer imaging, each aligner is made specific to your teeth and gradually and gently shifts your teeth into place. 

Here at Dudley Smiles Orthodontist, Dr. Silas “Si” Dudley has a lot of experience treating patients with Invisalign and are excited to offer this technology to our Issaquah, Sammamish, and surrounding areas, braces patients. If this sounds like your solution, make sure you keep reading to find some clarity on the facts and fiction around clear aligners, and reach out to get started on your journey to a delightful smile!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth and consists of clear acrylic aligners that fit over your teeth and are custom-made for you and only you. These aligners are made of smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic using photos and x-rays of your mouth to create a 3-D image that promotes a perfect fit without the need for goopy impressions. Invisalign was the original clear aligner system, but there are other companies that now offer clear aligners, including Spark – which we also offer in our office.

Most patients will wear clear aligners for about nine to twenty-four months and will typically use 18-30 sets during treatment. You will get a great smile with a treatment that doesn’t interrupt your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth!

The Facts

Aligners, like Invisalign, have been around since the nineties and earlier versions, called trays, date back decades to when patients used them for post braces retainers. But Invisalign can move crooked and misaligned teeth in stages using a series of customized aligners. Each retainer is worn for about one to two weeks, so your teeth are gently moved into place little by little, based on the exact movements your doctor plans for you. Then, you will swap to the next aligner in your series and repeat the process. 

Patients initially used Invisalign to correct simple spacing concerns and crowding, but it’s proven to be capable of much more, from overbites to crossbites and then some. The key is to determine the severity of the issues you need to adjust and work with your orthodontist to determine if this is the right treatment plan for you. Invisalign is an excellent choice at any age, so whether you want to avoid having braces in your yearbook photo or you feel you’re too old to sport metal brackets and wire, ask our expert team at Dudley Smiles Orthodontist if this treatment is a good fit for you!

One of the most noted facts about Invisalign is seeing the changes in your smile quickly and clearly since there are no brackets and wires to hide it all while it happens. Due to the cutting-edge technology and the weekly to biweekly series of aligners that make constant minor adjustments, you will begin to notice significant changes in your smile within about three months. And while we are talking about the timeline and facts of Invisalign, another benefit of the removable aligner system is that you can take them out to eat, brush your teeth, or even for a photo. To be most effective, they need to be worn for approximately 22 hours a day, but you won’t get that flexibility with traditional braces.

Our entire team here at Dudley Smiles Orthodontist believes your family deserves honest, compassionate care delivered with state-of-the-art technology, so now that we’ve gotten some facts ironed out, let’s take a look at some of the fiction floating around about Invisalign and clear aligners. 

Invisalign: Fact or Fiction

Not So Factual

These days anything described as “innovative” or “cutting-edge” can also mean expensive. Let’s call fiction on that now. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised to find out that, in most cases, Invisalign can cost the same or close to the amount you’d pay for conventional metal braces. Often, with insurance covering much of the cost. 

At Dudley Smiles Orthodontist, our goal is to provide outstanding care for a reasonable price. We offer flexible payment plans and convenient online services. We will also check with your orthodontic benefits with your insurance company and are happy to help you file your insurance claims and paperwork. 

Somewhere along the lines, the myth that you are limited to what you can eat while using the Invisalign system started circulating. That can’t be further from factual. It’s common knowledge that you should avoid chewy, sticky, and crunchy foods with traditional braces, or you run the risk of breaking something or food getting stuck in complicated places. However, with clear aligners, you just take them out before you eat or drink anything more than water, but nothing is off the table. Just remember to clean your teeth before putting them back in to avoid staining the retainer or having food trapped between the retainer and your teeth. 

The last common myth about using clear aligners for orthodontic treatment is remembering to wear the trays regularly. While this may seem like it would be a lot to remember, it’s not much different than wearing contact lenses. Between the Invisalign technology itself and our custom treatment plan, you’ll quickly get into the habit of wearing your retainers to your healthiest and straightest smile. 

Invisalign: Fact or Fiction

Fact beats Fiction, and the choice is clear with Invisalign and Dudley Smiles Orthodontist

You’ll get a great smile without a treatment that gets in the way of your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth. This nearly-invisible option to straighten your teeth is genuinely changing how people see orthodontic treatment.

When you lay it all out, there’s a lot that factors into whether or not Invisalign or Spark clear aligners are right for you. Still, our talented and experienced team at Dudley Smiles Orthodontist hopes to honestly shed some light on what to expect from this popular option. This treatment continues to change the lives and smiles of many of our patients. 

If you wonder if this might be the best path to your brightest smile, get in touch today to schedule your FREE consultation. There’s never been a better time to take advantage of the latest in orthodontic treatment!

Sports Safety for Kid’s Mouth & Orthodontic Emergencies

Most parents will agree that putting a child in a sport is great for many reasons, developing social and motor skills, promoting regular exercise disguised as fun and even teaching some essential life skills like time management and the benefits of sticking with something. But as the parent, you are also tasked with more than just chauffeuring MVPs to practice and keeping water bottles full. 

Your child’s dental health is a significant concern when the possibility of a ball or body part to the mouth increases with sports. Whether your child has metal braces, a retainer, or clear aligners like Invisalign, their mouth needs to be adequately protected to avoid painful injuries and permanent mouth damage.

Dr. Silas Dudley and his experienced team at Dudley Smiles have seen it all when it comes to cutting lips and broken appliances from sports-related injuries. While our patients probably won’t go through a real orthodontic emergency because they aren’t prevalent, we believe that avoiding tooth and mouth injuries in children while playing sports can be as simple as using protective gear like a mouthguard.

Sports and Dental Injuries

Sports-related dental injuries account for 40% of all dental injuries in the United States. You may think high-speed sports that involve a lot of contact and collision are the only concern for mouth injuries, but accidents happen all the time. A fall in a solo sport like skateboarding can result in a chipped tooth or broken bracket.

Dudley Smiles patients can still play sports like usual during treatment but check your appliances and mouth immediately if you have an accident during your athletic activity. If the instruments appear damaged or the teeth loosened, schedule an appointment for repair as soon as possible.

When we evaluate and treat dental injuries, a quick assessment and early treatment is our primary goal. The most common injuries we see are tooth fractures, commonly referred to as a ‘chipped tooth,’ and soft tissue lacerations or cuts on your gums, tongue, or cheeks due to direct impact to or with the area. While inspecting for these types of injuries, we also check the motion of your jaw to address any jaw dislocation. 

Some patients may experience a more profound oral injury such as luxation. A tooth may become displaced but still in the socket or even an avulsion in which the tooth becomes wholly dislocated. 

Sports-Related Mouth Protection

According to a survey conducted by the American Association of Orthodontists, 99% of parents with children playing organized sports feel mouthguards should be required to play, but close to 40% of those parents said their child never wears one for practice or games. 

Getting a kid to wear a mouthguard may seem as difficult as getting them to eat green vegetables. Still, it is one of the most inexpensive ways to protect your child’s teeth, tongue, gums, and cheeks from trauma during their extra-curricular activities. 

Orofacial and dental injuries are a risk for participants of all ages, genders, and skill levels during organized and unorganized sports at both recreational and competitive levels. While most dental injuries are sustained during collision and contact sports, they are also prevalent in limited-contact, non-contact, and high-velocity activities.

Currently, the American Dental Association recommends the use of a properly fitting mouthguard in the following activities:

Contact/Collison Sports

  • Basketball
  • Boxing
  • Combat Sports
  • Football
  • Handball
  • Hockey (Ice and Field)
  • Lacrosse
  • Martial Arts
  • Rugby
  • Soccer
  • Water Polo
  • Wresting

Limited Contact and Other Sports

  • Acrobatics
  • Baseball
  • Bicycling
  • Equestrian Events
  • Field Events
  • Gymnastics
  • Inline Skating
  • Racquetball
  • Shot-Putting
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing
  • Skydiving
  • Softball
  • Squash
  • Surfing
  • Volleyball
  • Weightlifting
Sports Safety for Kid's Mouth & Orthodontic Emergencies

Choosing and Caring for your Mouthguards

As with any other decision made to keep your kids safe, there are plenty of options for mouthguards. Still, according to the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs and Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention, an ideal mouthguard should:

  • Be adequately fitted to the wearer’s mouth and accurately adapted to their oral structures
  • Be made of resilient material approved by the FDA and cover all remaining teeth on one arch
  • Stay in place comfortably and securely
  • Be physiologically compatible with the wearer
  • Be relatively easy to clean
  • Have high-impact energy absorption to reduce or limit transmitted forces upon impact

If you are currently undergoing orthodontic treatment, consult with your orthodontist to ensure the mouthguard will fit over your appliances and not damage the device or harm your mouth if an impact occurs. 

You will know you have a good fit if it is comfortable, offers adequate coverage, and doesn’t interfere with speaking or breathing. The three most common types of mouthguards are stock or pre-made, “Boil and Bite,” and custom-made. Take a look at the uses and differences below.

Pre-Made Mouthguards

The pre-made option is the most common mouthguard due to availability since it’s what you are likely to find in a sporting goods store. These mouthguards come in various sizes and colors to suit as many wearers as possible. The stock mouthguard is considered the least effective option because it has a generic design that is not adapted to any particular mouth giving an improper fit and requires the mouth to be shut to keep it in place. 

“Boil-and-Bite” Mouthguards

Mouth-formed mouthguards are commonly referred to as “boil-and-bite” because they are designed to be warmed in water briefly to become permeable and then cooled slightly to be placed in the mouth and bitten down to create a customized fitting. These can also typically be found in sporting goods stores or ordered online. A dental professional may help facilitate the proper forming around dental appliances in some cases. Follow all manufacturer’s instructions precisely to ensure adequate heating and molding of the thermoplastic material, and avoid improper shaping creating a poorly fitted device with diminished protection.

Custom-made Mouthguards

Custom mouthguards are fabricated in a dental office or lab from individual patient impressions using thermoforming techniques to be fully customized and provide wearers the best fit to adapt to your mouth while still being the most effective. While this is often the most expensive option for oral protection, the balanced occlusion and maximized tooth contact significantly reduce the risk of the mouthguard becoming displaced during high-impact activity.  This option is sometimes not available while you are in active orthodontic treatment, because the teeth are moving.

Orthodontic Emergencies

There may come a time when your active kid falls victim to their first sports-related dental injury. Remember to stay calm and carefully examine the damage to be explained to the dental professional. Next, contact Dr. Dudley for specific instructions on mitigating the injury until he sees you in the office. Here are some of the more common injuries we see and how to handle them best.

Fractured Tooth

A fractured tooth is often far scarier than the reality of the experience. To stabilize the broken or chipped tooth and control any bleeding, you can bite gently on a towel as you head to your dentist. If the tooth piece has completely come out of the mouth, it can be transported in milk, under your tongue, or wrapped in saline-soaked gauze. 

Missing Tooth

If the whole tooth has come out of the socket, do not touch the roots and pick the tooth up by the crown. Gently rinse it in water and place the tooth back into the socket it came from, gently biting down on a towel to hold it in place as you head to the emergency dentist. As unbelievable as it may seem, a tooth placed back into the socket within 5 minutes of ejection can be permanently saved. 

Extruded or Laterally Displaced Tooth 

This injury will look like a tooth is longer than usual and often appears with the displaced tooth being pushed back or pulled forward. To reposition this tooth, firm but precise pressure is needed, and this process is most effectively performed by a dental professional. 

Intruded Tooth

If the tooth looks like it is now shorter than usual, it has likely pushed into the bone and become intruded. An intruded tooth is a painful experience and requires an immediate visit to an emergency dentist. Do not attempt to pull the tooth out or reposition the tooth. 

While these are the most common dental emergencies children in sports are likely to face, these are not all possibilities. Make sure you get to your dentist as soon as possible after an injury. Your dentist or orthodontist can completely remedy many mouth injuries caught in the first couple of hours without risk of permanent damage. But, if your child develops a fever, has trouble breathing or swallowing, or their bleeding doesn’t stop after about ten minutes of pressure, it could be a more serious concern, and you should go to the closest emergency room.

Sports Safety for Kid's Mouth & Orthodontic Emergencies

Trust your Kid’s Oral Health and Safety to Dudley Smiles Orthodontist

At Dudley Smiles, we’re passionate about providing high-quality orthodontic care to patients in all sports and activities in the Issaquah, Sammamish, and surrounding communities. While you’re in for your consultation or check-up, let us know about the sports your child is playing, and we can get you the information to help you pick the mouthguard that will fit your child’s mouth and needs best. 

Dr. Dudley and his friendly team are standing by with the education and experience you need to reach the smile of your dreams without giving up the sport you love. Schedule a FREE consultation today to get your custom mouth protection for prolonged oral health!

Seven Tips for Brushing Effectively with Braces

You’ve taken a big step by having braces put on. You’re now officially on the path towards a healthy, beautiful smile. It’s an exciting time, but it also comes with a learning curve. You may need to make a few adjustments as you get used to your new orthodontic treatment, but it will become second nature before you know it.  

While wearing braces makes life a bit different, brushing your teeth with braces isn’t too different from brushing your teeth without braces. You’ll find you have to take caution as it can be tricky to brush around the brackets and wires properly without damaging them. Still, it is crucial to get any food debris and bacteria that may build up to avoid more serious issues like tooth decay and gum disease

Orthodontic treatment through braces is an investment in your future. You are fixing a physical issue while boosting confidence and overall self-esteem. At Dudley Smiles Orthodontics, our team is dedicated to giving patients of all ages exceptional orthodontic care. You only get one smile, and you can trust our doctors and our skilled team to provide you with the respect you deserve. Let’s look at some tips for effective teeth brushing with braces. 

Take Your Time

There is no denying that having braces takes time and effort. It was tricky enough to get to the two-minute mark without braces, and the added complications of brackets and wires being in the way can make you want to rush and skip necessary steps. But, it is essential to take your time when brushing with braces to ensure the best results in the long run. 

Floss Twice a Day, Everyday

While flossing is one of the most practical steps of oral health, it is often the most overlooked step, too – especially when you have braces’ hardware making the challenge a bit more complicated. You mustn’t skip this step as debris, plaque, and bacteria can become lodged between teeth and brackets and lead to tooth decay or gum disease, like gingivitis.

Tools like floss threaders and Waterpiks are helpful if you’re having trouble with getting a good floss underneath the wires. We will also give you a tool, like an interdental proxy brush, to help make this process easier.

Seven Tips for Brushing Effectively with Braces

Rinse Well, and Rinse Again

Because the brackets and wires can create small gaps, food and debris easily get lodged in those spaces. Typically, the particles stuck here are large enough to be noticeable and easily dislodged with a bit of rinsing. If you can’t brush immediately after a meal, be sure to rinse your mouth as thoroughly as possible. 

To remove any loose food particles that may have gathered underneath and around the brackets, gargle warm water and spit it into the sink before brushing. You may need to do this a couple to a few times if you are getting a lot of debris out. Rinse until the water you spit is clear. Once there are no longer pieces of debris, you can begin brushing your teeth.

The Right Toothpaste Makes a World of Difference

Not all kinds of toothpaste are created equally, and if you aren’t using a quality option, you may as well not be using any toothpaste at all. Since choosing the right toothpaste can depend on your specific needs, our doctors can give you recommendations that will work well for your needs. 

The one common thread in a quality toothpaste is the ingredient fluoride. Fluoride is a common natural mineral that fights cavities and protects your tooth’s outer layer of enamel. The American Dental Association recommends toothpaste with fluoride to combat and neutralize bacteria. While there have been claims that too much fluoride can be harmful to the body, the ADA has numerous studies showing that an approved dose of fluoride is essential for optimal dental health.

As with just about any other product you can purchase, toothpaste with the approved amount of fluoride comes in many different strengths and flavors to satisfy all needs and preferences. There are even fun ADA and kid-approved options like ‘Wild Strawberry’ and ‘Blue Raspberry’ from Hello Kids, and Tom’s of Maine Natural Fluoride Toothpaste for children in ‘Outrageous Orange Mango.’

Don’t Forget Your Gums

Once your braces are applied, you may briefly experience minor gum sensitivity or inflammation, but this will wear off quickly. As it does, make sure you are brushing not just the brackets and wires on the front faces of your teeth but that you are going all the way to your gums to get the plaque and debris that builds up there as well. 

Plus, brushing below your teeth provides a little massage for sore gums and can even stimulate blood flow to the area to help them heal quicker. 

The Brackets and Wires Need Cleaning, Too

Knowing what to do when it comes to cleaning the brackets and wires of your braces can be daunting and no easy feat. For the most part, it is the same process as brushing your teeth without braces, back and forth. But, with brackets on, you will need to adjust your brush placement to get a good angle on them. Brushing down from the top of the bracket, up from the bottom, and in a circular motion around them will help get those hard-to-reach places. 

Look for clean, shiny braces with the edge of the brackets clearly visible. Fuzzy or dull metal indicates poor brushing. Don’t apply too much pressure to damage the wires or brackets themselves. If you are using an electric toothbrush, dial back the intensity or even opt for a standard brush as you get to the pressure needed to clean your teeth with braces properly. 

For Good Measure, Rinse Again

Once you have brushed and flossed your teeth, it is good to rinse your mouth out again with warm water to get any loose particles knocked free during the process. Rinsing with a good mouthwash can provide long-lasting plaque and bad breath defense. 

Seven Tips for Brushing Effectively with Braces

Professionals you can trust, Dudley Smiles Orthodontist

From your first visit to your final retainer check appointment, our goal at Dudley Smiles is your satisfaction for almost ten years! We care about you like you’re our own family, and we promise to give you the best quality care in a comfortable, fun setting. 

We know things come up, and life is busy, but proper brushing and flossing during your orthodontic treatment can significantly improve your results and overall oral health. It is worth the time! When things happen, or if you need more tips on caring for your braces, get in touch with our team of experts in Issaquah, WA, today. We look forward to your smile!

What To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

Here at Dudley Smiles, we believe that educated patients make the best partners in any orthodontic journey! It’s our goal to help you feel empowered and informed from your first appointment to the last. We know choosing to improve your oral health with orthodontic treatment is a big decision, and your smile is too important to trust anything less than an experienced orthodontist. But what if you don’t know what to ask when choosing an orthodontist? 

To help you begin your orthodontic journey, we’ve put together this list of questions that will help you make an informed decision on your care. Keep reading below for a more detailed look at what you should know before committing to an orthodontic practice for treatment!

Is the doctor a trained orthodontic specialist?

As obvious as it seems, this is the most important question you can ask when exploring braces treatment or clear aligner therapy. That’s because some general dentists can also provide orthodontic treatment, even though they don’t specialize in it. 

A general dentist will typically offer standard dental services such as crowns, fillings, dentures, and occasional orthodontic treatment like Invisalign. An orthodontist like Dr. Dudley, on the other hand, spends their days providing orthodontic services exclusively.

This distinction matters a great deal. Imagine for a moment that you or your child required specialized treatment or surgery. Would you feel comfortable with your family physician handling your case, or would you prefer a dedicated specialist? Orthodontists are essentially dentists who also have several years of additional specialized training and experience. This means an orthodontist has:

  • studied the growth and maturation of the teeth and jaw
  • been introduced to numerous case studies
  • developed diagnostic skills
  • learned biomechanical techniques to move teeth properly
  • studied how to change the development of the dental alveolar complex and facial growth of younger patients

Orthodontic residency programs are incredibly competitive, accepting only the top students in any dental school graduating class. These orthodontic programs tend to last around two to three years and include full-time training that focuses on correcting orthodontic issues with braces and aligners. While there are exceptions to every rule, most dentists will not possess this same level of thorough orthodontic training and experience.

Dr. Dudley attended Pepperdine University for his undergraduate education and completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. He earned his Orthodontic Certificate and Master of Science in Dentistry (MSD) at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine.

What To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

What treatment options does the orthodontist offer?

Dudley Smiles has a wide variety of orthodontic treatments available to patients of all ages, including traditional metal braces and clear aligner therapy.

Metal braces

Traditional metal braces are the most common type at Dudley Smiles and are more comfortable now than ever. Metal braces are made from high-grade stainless steel and straighten your teeth using metal brackets and archwires. With metal braces, you have the option of adding colored elastics (rubber bands) for a more unique and colorful smile.

Clear braces

Also known as ceramic braces, this option works like metal braces but is made of transparent materials and is, therefore, more subtle. While they are visually less prominent, they require more attention to oral hygiene as ceramic braces are larger and more brittle than their metal counterparts. For these reasons, we tend to use ceramic braces more on upper front teeth than on lower teeth and mainly on older teenagers and adult patients who have cosmetic concerns. 

Clear aligners

Clear aligners are a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable acrylic trays that straighten your teeth like braces. Not only are the aligners invisible, but they’re also removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment, plus brushing and flossing are less of a hassle. The aligners at Dudley Smiles are comfortable and have no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment.

How frequent are follow-up visits with the orthodontist?

Whatever treatment option you choose, you can expect relatively frequent visits to your orthodontist. For most patients, adjustment appointments will be scheduled every 4-8 weeks or so in our Issaquah office. During these visits, Dr. Dudley will replace any worn-out rubber bands, check the progress your teeth are making, and make adjustments to the wires to ensure the teeth are moving in the right direction. 

Patients in clear aligners may be seen slightly less frequently, but these appointments are still an essential part of the orthodontic process!

While treatment time will always vary from case to case, the average patient will spend anywhere from 12-36 months years in treatment. You should be prepared to see us regularly! We know families these days are busy, and we value your time, so we never overbook patients and always aim to see you at your scheduled time.

What To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

Trust your smile to the experts at Dudley Smiles

Are you looking for an optimal orthodontic experience? Dudley Smiles is unmatched in skill, expertise, and the level of care every patient receives! Since our sole specialty is orthodontics, you’ll receive nothing but the best in treatments, cost, and efficiency as we work to straighten your smile.

If you’re ready to take the first step in your orthodontic journey, we would love to meet you and talk more about the smile you want! There’s never been a better time to go after the smile you’ve always wanted, so contact our Issaquah office today to schedule your FREE consultation!

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Are you thinking about orthodontic treatment in 2022? This thought process inevitably comes with nervous feelings about braces, especially if you have heard of the treatment process’s myths and rumors. Braces will require an adjustment period, but most of the myths and rumors are unlikely to occur. Let’s take a look at the ten most common myths about braces and set the record straight about what you can expect from your journey with Dudley Smiles

Braces have to hurt in order to work

Don’t let this myth scare you because your braces will not cause any long-term pain or discomfort. This is one of the most significant concerns we see in new patients regarding the treatment process, and fortunately, it’s completely unfounded. When you first receive braces, you may feel some discomfort, but remember that this is only temporary. Following your adjustment appointments, you may also experience soreness or irritation, but this will resolve itself after a short period of time.

Braces will severely limit what you can eat

Food restrictions are one of the most common learning curves any orthodontic patient will face. However, it is important to avoid anything crunchy or sticky while in treatment. This also includes raw veggies like carrots or apples, popcorn and candy with chewy bits, caramel or nuts. Just remember that there are plenty of other delicious foods you can enjoy, and this will only be temporary! When you see your beautiful new smile, the minor inconvenience of food restrictions will be more than worth it! 

Braces will inhibit your ability to play certain instruments

This may be one of the biggest rumors surrounding orthodontic treatment, but it shouldn’t affect you or your child’s decision to move forward with braces. There will be a slight adjustment period for certain instruments, but you’ll be able to continue making music without missing any practices or performances. 

Every instrument is unique, just like your smile. Brass instruments will take more getting used to as they require plates to press their lips directly onto the mouthpiece. But, woodwind instruments utilize a mouthpiece that requires indirect contact and makes it slightly easier to adjust.

Braces only work for teens

Many people associate the term “orthodontics” with a teen in a complete set of metal braces. This stereotype has come to life over the years in pop culture. However, new patients are always surprised when they learn the benefits of orthodontic treatment for patients of all ages. So whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, just know that there is no age limit on achieving the stunning smile you’ve always wanted. Not only will this better your oral health, but it can also help improve your self-confidence.

The metal in your braces will set off metal detectors

This is often mentioned by our patients who travel. We all know that going through airport security is stressful enough, so you shouldn’t need to worry that your braces will set off the metal detectors! Brackets and wires are made from high-quality metals and are not the same materials that metal detectors look for. So next time you’re somewhere with a metal detector, there’s no need to word that your braces will cause a scene.

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Braces straighten your teeth forever

This may be more wishful thinking than a myth! Braces are a great solution for correcting your bite and straightening your teeth, but your teeth will continue shifting throughout your life. This is why wearing a retainer regularly post-braces will help minimize that shifting and keep your newly straightened teeth in place for years to come!

Braces will take years to straighten your smile

Orthodontic patients will spend anywhere from 12-36 months in treatment, but this will vary because everyone’s smile is unique. The estimated treatment time will depend on several factors, such as the severity of the case, how your teeth respond to treatment, desired improvements, and more.

In most cases, you will see signs of improvement in a short period of time. This glimpse of your new smile will be exciting and an extra boost of encouragement as you continue the process. 

The wires on your braces will require frequent changes

It’s essential to attend regular follow-up visits throughout your treatment process, and while the wires will need to be adjusted occasionally, this won’t happen every time. Your regular visits will consist of Dr. Dudley making minor adjustments and checking on the progress of teeth movement. 

It’s important to give your mouth time to grow the support it needs to once your braces are removed. In the first year post-treatment, your teeth can start shifting in as little as a few days. As we mentioned before, you will need to use a retainer to apply more pressure and make sure your teeth stay in the new placement. Retainers do apply some pressure, but it’s less than what your braces did and is essential for keeping your teeth in place. 

All of that to say, by wearing your retainer regularly, you will help ensure that your newly straightened teeth are where they need to be. This also allows them to heal fully post-braces and permanently settle into new positions. 

Braces are only useful for straightening teeth

Braces are great at straightening your teeth, but they also help resolve other oral health issues such as misaligned jaws or teeth. These are things that can cause difficulty in everyday tasks like caring for your teeth, eating, and speaking. Our Dudley Smiles team will be able to address and correct these issues through orthodontic treatment. Braces also have other hidden benefits, including improved chewing, speech, oral health, and digestion. 

Braces are the only option for straightening your teeth 

In our Issaquah office, we offer a variety of effective ways to straighten and correct your smile aside from traditional braces like ceramic braces and Invisalign clear aligners. Each of these options can help fix any issues you may have and give you the smile you’ve always wanted. It is also important to remember that what works well for one patient may not be the best fit for another. When you schedule your free consultation with Dr. Dudley, he’ll be able to examine your teeth and recommend the option that will work best for your specific needs.

10 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Find your best smile with braces by Dudley Smiles

We appreciate your trust in our expert team, as choosing braces is a big decision. Our top goal is to provide you with a personalized treatment plan and a rewarding orthodontic experience so that you can see exceptional results. Whether you are considering braces or already have an appointment, we’re here for you! Get in touch to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Dudley or to talk through your concerns with us! Your satisfaction is as important to us as your smile.

The Importance of Early Treatment

Many orthodontic patients begin treatment in their teens once all their permanent teeth are in place and the results are slightly more predictable. However, orthodontics can benefit patients of all ages, especially young children! In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends every child undergo an initial screening around the time they start second grade. Even if early treatment isn’t necessary right away, coming in early gives Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove the best opportunity to monitor your child’s growth patterns and identify any potential issues before they become anything more serious. Once you understand why early treatment matters, you can set your child up for a lifetime of smiles! 

Here at Dudley Smiles, we know that your child’s smile is as special as they are. Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove use a preventative treatment that’s built around a patient’s specific needs at every stage, which allows our team to provide them with exceptional care and superior results. When you schedule a free orthodontic evaluation for your child in our offices in Issaquah and Kent, Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove will take a look at their dental development up to this point and assess their overall oral health. They’ll also check for anything that stands out and may require further observation and possible treatment, whether now and or later. 

If Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove detect any potential problems in a child between the ages of 6-9, it may prompt a treatment stage we refer to as interceptive orthodontics.  

How do I know if my child is ready for interceptive orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics, also known as Phase I orthodontics, is a process we use to identify and diagnose any issues a younger child is experiencing with the growth and development of their teeth or jaw. This allows Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove to begin the most effective treatments at the right time for your child, creating space for the proper development and eruption of the permanent teeth. 

Interceptive orthodontics also enhances the growth of a child’s jaw and results in straighter teeth, improved oral health, and a more symmetrical smile. During your child’s first visit with us, Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove will examine their teeth and jaws. If they notice any of the following, interceptive orthodontics may be recommended

  • Your child appears to be prone to a problem we want to prevent.
  • Your child already has a developing problem that we now want to intercept.
  • Your child’s jawbones may need some guidance as they grow.

While some developmental issues may correct themselves as a child grows, others may require intervention. Many orthodontic issues are genetic, including gapped or crowded teeth, extra or missing teeth, and several other irregularities. Other problems can be acquired through injury, premature tooth loss, or bad oral habits. Whatever the underlying cause, we know that alignment issues and other problems can affect the way your child’s smile looks, feels, and functions. Interceptive orthodontics allows us to successfully address those concerns!

The Importance of Early Treatment

What are some examples of interceptive orthodontics?

Many parents we speak to in our office are concerned that an orthodontic evaluation for their child will automatically lead to early treatment, but we actually recommend this for only a small percentage of the children we see. 

Even if Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove do recommend treatment, it doesn’t necessarily mean putting braces on your child right away. Many Phase I treatments don’t even use any brackets or wires! Some of these include:

  • using expanders to widen the upper jaw and provide space for very crowded teeth
  • placing teeth spacers to save a spot for permanent teeth if a primary tooth has been lost early due to injury or decay
  • removing one or more of the primary teeth to guide the proper placement of the permanent teeth
  • using smaller, less intrusive temporary braces or clear aligners to make small adjustments in preparation for full treatment

At Dudley Smiles, we follow the normal patterns of dental growth and development in children. We can treat problems in children whose mouths are still developing with relative ease. However, treatment often becomes more complex and sometimes more invasive once their jawbones stop growing around the ages of 16-18. 

By taking advantage of interceptive orthodontics, Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove are often able to achieve lasting results for many common issues and lessen the impact of others! It is important to note that most patients will still require a second phase of treatment with braces or aligners to complete the alignment process.

Keep your child’s smile on the right track as they grow

You probably know that regular dental visits are essential for keeping your child’s smile healthy, but did you know that regular orthodontic visits also have a multitude of benefits? Even if we don’t detect any oral issues during your child’s initial evaluation, follow-up visits as they grow to allow Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove to:

  • monitor the progress of the adult teeth as they begin to emerge
  • monitor the progress of the facial and jaw development
  • reduce the need for jaw surgery later in life
  • guide emerging teeth into the ideal positions
  • detect any hidden dental problems
  • reduce the risk of impacted teeth
  • reduce the risk of needing tooth extractions in the future

By proactively tackling orthodontic issues in this way, our expert team is in the best position to give children the customized care they need when they need it the most, setting them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

The Importance of Early Treatment

Help your child enjoy a lifetime of smiles with Dudley Smiles

Like many things in life, orthodontics is best used as a preventive measure. While early treatment won’t be necessary for every child, it can truly make a huge difference for those who do need it! Understanding the importance of early treatment helps you to get a handle on your child’s orthodontic issues early on and can help prevent the development of more serious problems later on, saving you time and money. 

With proper planning, interceptive orthodontics can help improve your child’s tooth and jaw alignment and restore their optimal tooth and bite function. This leads to more stable results, better self-confidence, and a beautifully aligned smile! 

If you have a child who’s ready for their first orthodontic evaluation, we’d love to meet you both and take a look at their dental development so far. Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove at our offices in Issaquah and Kent.

Everything You Need To Know About Retainers

We know just how much work you’ve put into achieving an amazing smile throughout the treatment process, and the Dudley Smiles Orthodontics team is proud of you for following all of our recommendations and taking good care of your teeth while we worked to straighten them! Now that you’re nearing the end of the active phases of treatment, you’re probably looking forward to getting your braces off or taking out your last clear aligners. While that’s definitely an exciting moment to look forward to, remember that there’s one more phase of treatment to come: retention. Read on for everything you need to know about the biggest part of that process, retainers!

This retention phase rounds out your treatment process and will keep your newly straightened teeth in place once your appliance has been removed. You’ve heard us talk often about why regular retainer use is essential, but you may not understand exactly why it’s so important for maintaining your smile. Since that’s what the retention phase revolves around, now’s the perfect time to learn a little bit more about these orthodontic staples! Keep reading below for a closer look at the basics of retention, the different kinds of retainers we offer, and why regular wear is the key to long-lasting results. 

Why are retainers such an important part of the orthodontic process?

Unfortunately, the effects of braces and clear aligners aren’t permanent on their own. That’s because of a phenomenon known as relapse, which refers to the natural tendency of the teeth to drift back towards their original positions as we age. This generally begins in your late teens or early twenties and can occur even if you’ve completed orthodontic treatment. Retainers play a major role in preventing this type of relapse by holding your teeth in their new positions. 

To understand why retainers are such a big deal, we need to look at a few facts about teeth. For example, teeth aren’t just fixtures in the jaw—each one is held in its socket by elastic ligaments that attach the roots to the bone. These ligaments are living tissues that are affected by the movement of the teeth, and it’s this attachment that allows for the small movements of the teeth during treatment.

Dr. Dudley uses orthodontic appliances like braces and aligners to create tension on and around the teeth, which encourages the formation of new ligaments and bones that hold your teeth in better positions. This is known as the remodeling phase of treatment. Once this is complete, the newly formed tissues, ligaments, and bone will need time to stabilize. This happens in part during the retention phase. If there’s nothing to hold the teeth in place during this phase, they’re almost certain to migrate back to their old positions.

So what does that mean for you? If you don’t wear your retainer once the active phase of treatment is complete, your teeth will eventually start shifting back to their old positions, undoing all your hard work. Thankfully, it’s easy for you to avoid relapse! Keeping your teeth in place is as simple as wearing your retainer as directed by our doctors. They’ll choose the best type of retainer for you based on your unique needs, preferences, and expected compliance.

Everything You Need To Know About Retainers

What types of retainers are available?

Here at Dudley Smiles, we offer patients fixed appliances like braces and removable appliances like Invisalign and Spark clear aligners. We have a similar range of options when it comes to retainers! Here’s a look at the different types of retainers available at our Issaquah and Kent offices:

Fixed retainers

Fixed retainers are generally made of a thin wire that’s bonded behind the bottom teeth. Sometimes we will do one behind the upper front teeth – These can be a particularly helpful option for patients who had treatment for a large space between the two upper front teeth. Once treatment is complete and the space is completely closed, a fixed retainer can be used to keep it that way.

Since the wire stretches across several teeth, dental hygiene is similar to that of a braces patient. If you have a fixed retainer, you’ll need to be especially careful with brushing and flossing to ensure it stays clean. 

Removable retainers

When it comes to removable retainers, there are a couple of different options available at Dudley Smiles. The Hawley and Essix (clear) retainers are both custom-designed to fit your mouth for the best results. When you complete the active phase of treatment, our team will take a digital scan with our iTero scanner of your teeth to create your retainer.

Hawley retainers

Hawley retainers are one of the oldest types of retainers, and the ones you’d be most likely to recognize. They’re made of stainless steel and kept in place by wrapping a wire around your teeth. That wire has been combined with an acrylic arch that rests against the roof of your mouth, and it can be adjusted to continue minor movement of the front teeth if needed. While many orthodontists are moving away from using Hawley retainers, they can still be very useful in certain cases.

Essix retainers

Essix retainers look very similar to the clear aligners used with the Invisalign & Spark systems. They’re made entirely of transparent plastic and molded to the unique shape of the patient’s mouth. Essix retainers may cover the entire arch of the teeth or only go from canine to canine. This type of retainer is very subtle and should last as long as you need it, provided you care for it properly.

Cleaning your teeth is easier with removable retainers, but you will have to remember to wear them daily as recommended by your doctor. They can be pretty easy to misplace or damage, so you’ll also need to be mindful of where it is at all times and be careful when handling it. 

Everything You Need To Know About Retainers

Keep your new smile with Dudley Smiles Orthodontics

Contemporary orthodontic experts agree that the majority of orthodontic patients will need to wear a retainer after their active treatment is complete, but don’t let that worry you! Your retainer will become just another part of your daily life before you know it. Once you have everything you need to know about retainers, you can take on this final phase of treatment with confidence!

The expert team here at Dudley Smiles is committed to finding exactly the right orthodontic treatment for your smile, including the type of retainer that will be the best fit for you! If you have questions about retainers or the retention phase, get in touch today! We’re happy to walk you through any concerns you have. Our goal is to give you a beautiful smile that’s fully functional for many years to come!