Your Guide To Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Did you know that one in five patients at Dudley Smiles is an adult? Our team is proud to create beautiful smiles for patients of all ages in Issaquah, Kent, and the surrounding communities. If you’ve spent years feeling unhappy with how your teeth look, feel, or function, we’ve got good news—you’re never too old to achieve a healthier and more confident smile! For your guide to the customized orthodontic treatment available to you as an adult, keep reading below.

Why are more and more adults choosing orthodontics? 

Generally speaking, most of our adolescent patients undergo orthodontic treatment because their parents have chosen it for them after consulting with Dr. Silas Dudley and Dr. Cameron Freelove. Younger patients certainly understand the importance of treatment and are thrilled with their final results, but the truth is that adults tend to have a better understanding of how a healthier smile will positively impact their lives. 

Adults also tend to be more aware of the ways that good oral health can benefit their overall body health. This leads many of them to seek out dental or orthodontic treatment that will keep their teeth and gums in the best possible shape! As an adult patient, you’ll be able to truly grasp what orthodontic treatment is: an investment of your time and finances that will reward you with a beautiful smile, improved health, and increased self-confidence.

Improve your oral health with orthodontics

The benefits of orthodontic treatment go far beyond straight teeth! Crooked or crowded teeth can impede brushing and flossing, thereby increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Misalignment can also cause excess wear on the teeth and enamel, which may lead to chronic headaches, jaw soreness, and pain in the face and neck. 

Orthodontic treatment will help reduce or eliminate these symptoms. Not only that, but braces and aligners can protect you from developing serious oral health problems in the future! This can mean big-time financial savings down the line.

Budget-friendly treatment options

Achieving a confident smile is more affordable than ever, thanks to a variety of innovative treatment options. Dudley Smiles offers flexible payment options to suit every budget, including interest-free installment plans. Multiple family discounts may also apply. 

For your convenience, we accept most major credit and debit cards. We can even set monthly auto-payments up from your bank! If you have a Flexible or Health Savings Account (FSA/HSA) or insurance coverage, we’ll be sure to take this into account as well. We’ll even help you file claims if you intend on using insurance to cover your treatment. And don’t worry— we’ll ensure you fully understand every fee included in your treatment plan before we move forward with fitting you for braces or aligners. 

Your Guide To Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Treatment options for every lifestyle

Not so long ago, methods for improving smiles were few and far between, and what options existed were bulky, uncomfortable, or downright painful. Today we have multiple sleek and comfortable ways to align your teeth and jaws! Our practice is proud to offer the following treatment options for a complete smile transformation:

Invisalign (Clear Aligners)

With this innovative system, no brackets or wires are required to move your teeth! Instead, Invisalign uses a series of clear, comfortable aligners to help you achieve a healthier smile. These customized plastic aligners are completely removable, offering an extra measure of freedom and flexibility that you’ll love. 

Patient compliance is an essential part of Invisalign treatment—the aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours per day throughout the orthodontic process. They’re also designed to be switched out with the next aligner in the series every 1-2 weeks to keep up with the movement of the teeth. When worn as directed, Invisalign is as efficient as braces at treating the most common orthodontic issues. 

Metal braces

Traditional metal braces are the most widely used orthodontic appliance for a reason—they have a proven track record of successfully correcting a variety of orthodontic issues. Though they’ve been around for a long time now, braces have undergone a major makeover in recent years to become far more comfortable, effective, and aesthetically pleasing than ever before! Metal braces are one of our most cost-effective options and can be particularly useful in cases that are complex or severe. 

Clear braces

Sometimes called ceramic braces, clear braces work just like metal braces but come with clear, nearly invisible brackets. When paired with clear, white, or tooth-colored bands, they’re an incredibly subtle way to straighten the teeth! Because they’re far less visible than their metal counterparts, clear braces are popular with image-conscious teens and adults. Ceramic brackets are slightly larger and a bit more brittle than metal brackets, so we tend to use them on the upper front teeth more often than the lower teeth. 

Your Guide To Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Get the smile you deserve with Dudley Smiles

If you’ve been waiting to take your first step towards a healthier smile, the last thing you want is cookie-cutter treatment or mail-order aligners. Our team creates individualized treatment plans for each patient based on your own specific needs, lifestyle, and goals. Every treatment option has its own list of pros and cons, and not every treatment will be suitable for every patient, but working with experienced orthodontists like Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove guarantees you’ll receive only the best treatment for your unique smile!  

Our goal is to give you a rewarding and stress-free experience, from your first visit to your last. We want you to feel right at home from the moment you walk through our door, and we work hard to provide our patients with a warm and welcoming environment. 

If you’re ready to get started on the confident smile you deserve, then get in touch today to schedule a FREE consultation at our offices in Issaquah or Kent!

Recognizing and Treating Your Child’s Orthodontic Issues

Here at Dudley Smiles, we hear from parents who want to know how they can tell if their child will need orthodontic treatment all the time! Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this question, since there are many factors that have to be taken into consideration. These include the child’s age, the way their teeth and jaws are aligned, how their dental development is coming along, and the desired results. Recognizing and treating your child’s orthodontic issues is the best way to give them a lifetime of healthy smiles!

One way to address all of these factors is an early orthodontic evaluation, which the American Association of Orthodontists recommends every child have by the time they’re about seven years olds. At this age, most children in Issaquah and Kent will have enough dental landmarks in place that their teeth, jaw, and bite can be assessed for normal development. 

There are several common issues that Dr. Dudley will be looking for during this initial evaluation. It can be helpful for us to outline these so parents better understand how these oral challenges can be successfully corrected with treatment. Recognizing and treating your child’s orthodontic issues is the first step to a stunning smile. Let’s take a closer look at some of the problems we see most often in our young patients! 

Missing teeth

Gaps between the teeth can exist because of congenitally missing teeth that never grew in, or they may be created when permanent teeth are lost due to injury or disease. If this is something your child has experienced, we can use braces to move the existing teeth into the proper positions. Bonded bridges will then be placed where the missing teeth would have been. This achieves an evenly-spaced smile for your child that looks good and functions the way it should. 

Crowded teeth

Healthy teeth and gums are essential to good oral health, but crooked teeth can be harder to brush and floss. This increases the chance of tooth decay and cavities. If your child has crowded teeth, we can move them into better positions in small increments over time. This will result in a smile that’s easier to clean, and can also lessen facial tension. Treatment can relieve chewing and speech difficulties, too.

Gapped teeth

Gaps in teeth are very common, especially in children. They can happen for a variety of reasons, from genetics to bad oral habits like thumb sucking and extended pacifier use. If your child has a bit too much space between their teeth, Dr. Dudley will identify the underlying cause and create a personalized treatment plan to close the gaps. This will improve the overall appearance and function of your child’s smile.

Open bite

With an open bite, the upper and lower rows of the front teeth don’t touch or close when smiling or chewing. Many open bites come from extended thumb sucking in childhood, which can cause the teeth to grow into a noticeably rounded formation.

At Dudley Smiles, we’ll usually treat an open bite with a combination of braces and an orthodontic appliance known as a “crib.” This device prevents the tongue from putting pressure against the anterior teeth when swallowing, which trains it to swallow correctly. Following treatment, your child’s bite will be aligned. They’ll be able to close their teeth and enjoy all their favorite foods with ease. 


Deep overbite

When a child has a deep overbite, the lower teeth recede so far behind the upper teeth that they bite into the roof of the mouth. The upper front teeth also overlap the lower front teeth. Out of all the bite disorders, a deep overbite is the most detrimental to the teeth and health of the jaw joints. It can also have an impact on your child’s face shape and appearance.

Treatment for a deep overbite may require a combination of orthodontics and restorative dentistry or orthodontics alone may be enough to correct it. This will depend on the severity of the case. Correcting a deep bite misalignment like this will improve the functionality of your child’s teeth and dramatically improve the appearance of their smile!


If a child has an overjet, their top front teeth will protrude far beyond the bottom front teeth. This is often referred to as “buck teeth,” and treatment is most effective when the child is diagnosed early because it gives us a chance to guide the tooth eruption and use that growth to our advantage. The child’s age and specific needs will determine what treatment approach we take, but options will usually include:

  • bite correction devices
  • traditional braces
  • removable orthodontic appliances
  • tooth removal
  • surgery

Once Dr. Dudley decides on the correct treatment for your child’s overjet, they’ll be left with a beautifully balanced smile after it’s completed.


An underbite occurs when the bottom teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth. This type of bite misalignment can cause pain at the jaw joint and the angled pressure can wear down some of the teeth. There are several treatment options available for children with underbites. These include:

  • an upper jaw expander, which can be widened nightly until treatment is complete
  • a reverse-pull face mask, which wraps around the head and attaches to metal bands on the back upper teeth to pull the upper jaw forward
  • traditional braces to adjust the misaligned teeth

These treatments will help relieve any pain and discomfort caused by the underbite, and can also make it easier to smile, eat, and even breathe more effectively. 


Give your child’s smile the best start at Dudley Smiles

Here at Dudley Smiles, we’re committed to providing personalized care for every child we treat. After your child’s evaluation, Dr. Dudley\ will create a treatment plan based on their unique smile needs and the desired results. A healthy smile starts with recognizing and treating your child’s orthodontic issues. Our goal is to give every patient – and parent! –  a rewarding and stress-free experience, from their first appointment to the last! 

Have you been wondering if your child would benefit from orthodontic care? Our team would love to meet you both and take a look at how their smile is developing so far! If you’re in Issaquah or Kent and would like to know more about the benefits of orthodontic treatment, get in touch today to schedule a FREE consultation with Dr. Dudley. Whatever your child needs, we’ll give them the best start towards a lifetime of healthy smiles.

How To Care For Your Smile Between Orthodontic Visits

Here at Dudley Smiles, the COVID-19 pandemic’s temporary closings and stay-at-home orders have meant that we have been unable to have patients visit our offices as much as we’d like to. If you’re a current patient of Dr. Dudley, you may be wondering how to care for your smile between orthodontic visits. Let’s explore how you can keep your teeth and oral appliances in great shape, especially when you have to wait a little longer to see us! Keep reading below for more information. 

Upgrade your dental hygiene

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is important and should always be a priority, but it’s a core part of your treatment plan, too. Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to complications in your treatment and may affect the final results. Whether you’re wearing traditional braces or clear aligners, there are some basics of dental hygiene that you should always maintain! These guidelines will help you maintain clean teeth, a healthy mouth, and fresh breath. 

  • Brush at least three times a day, ideally after each meal and once before bed.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Electric toothbrushes are great, and generally help keep your teeth cleaner than a regular toothbrush.
  • Brush gently at a 45-degree angle toward the gum line, moving the toothbrush in a circular pattern across the teeth to effectively remove bacteria and any trapped food particles.
  • Floss at least once per day to remove bacteria and any food that has accumulated throughout the day.
  • On top of flossing, a Waterpik can be a great additional plaque removal tool.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or sooner if you have a cold or any other illness.
  • Use antimicrobial and fluoridated mouthwashes to help further improve your oral health.

If you’re wearing braces, you already know that it can take some skillful maneuvering to clean around the brackets and wires. For the best results, our doctors recommend:

  • brushing around every part of your braces
  • brushing every surface of every tooth
  • brushing until your brackets are clean and shiny
  • flossing every night before you go to bed
  • using tools like floss threaders and Waterpiks to clean hard-to-reach areas

If you wear Invisalign, you should be following the same basic guidelines for dental hygiene, but you need to care for your aligners, too. Always rinse them off before putting them back in your mouth. Remember to clean them well when you brush your teeth – just brush them with the residual toothpaste after brushing your teeth. If you notice any build-up, you can soak your aligners in an oral apparatus cleaning fluid to remove it. Never clean them with or soak them in hot water and keep them away from heat sources so they retain their shape.

How To Care For Your Smile Between Orthodontic Visits

Follow your orthodontist’s advice!

If you’ve been given elastics to wear with your braces or aligners, ensure that you wear them exactly as directed. If you’ve recently completed treatment, continue to wear your retainer as directed by Dr. Dudley or Dr. Freelove. 

Invisalign patients will normally be provided with all your aligners until your next refinement.  Please look for stickers on your aligners that indicate you need to be seen in-office for an appointment. Our team is also available for video or telephone appointments if you have any questions or concerns. Socially distanced options like these mean that you can continue your treatment safely, conveniently, and without delay!

If you’re unable to visit in-office right away, you can continue wearing the last set of aligners you were given. However, you should only wear them 10-12 hours each day instead of the usual 20-22 hours. This shortened duration will help extend the life of your aligners until an appointment is available. This way you can keep your treatment plan on track and ensure that you don’t lose any important progress! 

Limit your sugar intake

Cavities can have some negative effects on your treatment, which is unfortunate since most orthodontic procedures can increase the risk of cavities. To combat this, try and avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as you can. Snacks that are high in starch or sugar encourage plaque growth, which can lead to tooth decay or gum disease. 

Sugar is also a carbohydrate, and carbs fuel the acidic compounds that cause cavities to form. This is bad enough on teeth without braces, but add in brackets and wires and you’ve got multiple places where bad bacteria can hide and multiply! Replace sugary drinks with water instead—it’s good for your body and can help flush food particles out of your braces and from in between your teeth. 

Make a care kit for your braces

We recommend that all of our patients with braces stay prepared for unexpected orthodontic emergencies by keeping a “care kit” with them at all times. Some of the items we recommend including are:

  • a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for brushing wherever you are
  • floss or ortho picks to use after eating if you have the time and space to do so
  • orthodontic wax, which can be used to cover any areas causing you irritation
  • extra rubber bands
  • lip balm for dry lips resulting from braces
  • a small cup for rinsing with water, which helps dislodge any trapped food particles
  • an unsharpened pencil, as you can use the eraser end to push stray brace wires back into place

Toss these items in a small, portable bag and you’ll have everything you need in a pinch! This can end up saving you quite a bit of time, trouble, and discomfort if you need to perform unexpected care or you end up having to wait longer than expected for your next appointment. 

How To Care For Your Smile Between Orthodontic Visits

Your smile is a team effort at Dudley Smiles

Even when you’re not physically in our Kent or Issaquah offices, we are here for you! Our expert team is here for you and we’re always happy to answer your questions or address any concerns you have about your treatment plan. 
For more ways to be proactive with the orthodontic process, click here or get in touch to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dudley or Dr. Freelove.

Oral Hygiene Habits That Might Be Hurting Your Smile

Here at Dudley Smiles, our doctors and staff regularly give out advice of all sorts to their patients. Perhaps the simplest advice they give out the most often is to set an oral hygiene routine and stick with it! This means brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding sugary food, and having a dental check-up every six months. However, there’s more to oral hygiene than a routine; even if you brush and floss twice daily, you could have oral hygiene habits that might be hurting your smile. That’s why we’re taking a look at some bad habits to break whether or not you have braces. Keep reading to learn some simple tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine that will help protect your smile!

Unexpected Dental Hygiene Tips

As we said above, good dental hygiene is more than just brushing and flossing. The tools you use to care for your teeth are important too! Your toothbrush is a perfect example. Many people believe that a firm toothbrush cleans your teeth better than softer brushes. However, firmer brushes can actually cause gum irritation and sensitive teeth, especially for adults. That’s because our gums recede as we age, exposing the roots of the teeth and increasing sensitivity. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles instead and brush in gentle circular motions to clean your teeth and gums. 

You should be brushing with fluoridated toothpaste at least twice a day, for two minutes each time, and flossing every night before bed. This ensures that bacteria and food particles are completely removed from your mouth and between your teeth, reducing your risk of developing tooth decay. You should also replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or sooner if you have a cold or any other illness. Using antimicrobial and fluoride mouthwashes once a day can help to further improve your oral health by eliminating the bacteria that cause bad breath and gum disease. 

Teeth Grinding

The technical term for teeth grinding is “bruxism” and it refers to the involuntary grinding of the teeth outside of normal chewing, swallowing, or speaking movements. This can occur during the day, at night, or both, although it’s often more noticeable during the nighttime hours. There are many possible causes for teeth grinding, including stress and anxiety, medications, certain medical conditions, and even genetics. It is also associated with misalignment between the teeth and jaws, abnormal bites, and missing or crooked teeth. 

Teeth grinding can cause a variety of issues, from disrupted sleep to jaw pain and headaches. The most destructive issue, however, is the risk this poses to your enamel. Over time, teeth grinding can wear down tooth enamel, eventually exposing your dentin, a much softer substance that’s below your enamel. Once that dentin is exposed, tooth sensitivity can become a real problem. The sensations can range from mild to intense and may be long-lasting. 

There are several solutions for bruxism that can treat any damage that’s already present and prevent any further damage. Generally this will involve addressing underlying causes like stress and anxiety, along with more proactive treatment, like wearing a mouthguard at night. 

Sometimes it helps to simply bring awareness to the fact that this behavior occurs. If you feel yourself clenching or grinding your teeth, try positioning the tip of your tongue between your teeth to train the jaw muscles to relax. At night, you can hold a warm washcloth against your cheek to produce the same relaxing effect.  

Chewing Ice and Other Hard Objects

Crunching on the ice left over in the bottom of your cup is a pretty common habit. Though it might seem harmless to chew your ice cubes, the texture and temperature of ice can actually fracture your teeth! Chewing ice can also cause microscopic cracks in the surface of your tooth enamel, which could lead to other dental problems down the road.

Ice cubes aren’t the only thing to avoid chewing. Popcorn kernels and pitted fruit also put undue stress on the teeth and can lead to fractures, as well. Chewing on items like pencils, pen caps, and fingernails are often subconscious habits, but they can also chip away at the enamel, crack the teeth, and irritate the soft tissue inside a tooth.  

If you often find yourself chewing on things or biting your nails, try using sugarless gum to give your mouth something else to do! Healthy snacks with a satisfying crunch (like carrots, celery, or apple slices) can also be a good substitute. As an added bonus, these foods are also great for your teeth and oral health!

Using Your Teeth as Tools

Our doctors have seen people using their teeth for just about everything! From opening bags of chips to uncapping bottles, many of us use our teeth to perform non-eating tasks without even thinking about it. However, doing this can be incredibly hard on your teeth. All it takes is one wrong move or a bad angle and a tooth can be traumatized, chipped, or even fractured. 

Being mindful about what you use your teeth for can save you from any avoidable pain and damage to your teeth. Try to reduce the amount of stress you place on them by keeping simple tools such as scissors and pliers in easily-accessible places so you won’t be tempted to do the dirty work with your own incisors! 

Break Bad Oral Habits with the Help of Dudley Orthodontics. 

Dr. Dudley has the skill and experience necessary to identify and treat any type of orthodontic issues you may encounter. However, eliminating harmful habits is a key part of maintaining your oral health that’ll save you unnecessary trips to our office. Once you know all about oral hygiene habits that could be hurting your smile, you can feel confident that you’re giving your smile the consideration it deserves!

If you’re in Issaquah, Kent, or the surrounding areas and need a little help breaking free from destructive oral hygiene habits that are hurting your smile, our team can help. Get in touch today to schedule a FREE consultation with our doctors! 

Should I Choose Braces Or Invisalign?

Deciding between braces vs. Invisalign is kind of like pitting a peregrine falcon against a bald eagle– it’s hard to say which has the clear advantage, but both are strong contenders with compelling pros and cons. Nature aside, choosing between braces and Invisalign is a big decision and our team is here to help you decide which one is right for you! At Dudley Smiles, we believe that you should be as informed as possible when beginning your orthodontic journey, and having an answer to the question “Should I Choose Braces Or Invisalign?” is vital to your comfort, confidence, and satisfaction. 

Dr. Dudley is committed to helping you explore all the options available to you and creating a personalized plan based on your specific needs and goals! The first step is scheduling an initial consultation at our offices in Issaquah or Kent. During this visit, you’ll have the chance to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have with our doctors and other staff members, including topics such as: 

  • how orthodontic treatment will change your smile
  • which treatments will best fit your needs
  • what payment options are available to you
  • differences between popular treatments like metal braces and clear aligners

Traditional metal braces and Invisalign clear aligners tend to be our most frequently chosen treatment options, so we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of each! Having this information will help you decide which treatment option is the best fit for your unique smile. Keep reading below to learn more! 

Orthodontic Treatment: The Basics

Braces and Invisalign both apply gentle force to your teeth to shift them towards more optimal positions over time. Aligning the teeth and jaws in this way will gradually improve the appearance of your smile and your overall oral health. 

Traditional braces have been used for hundreds of years, and have a well-established reputation for successfully correcting a variety of orthodontic issues. Invisalign is a newer treatment method, but this innovative system has exploded in popularity with teens and adults over the last twenty years. Braces and Invisalign are both excellent options for anyone interested in achieving a beautiful smile, but there are some important differences between them.

Traditional Braces 

Traditional braces have seen a multitude of improvements to their size, shape, and even color over the years. That means this effective treatment option is more functional and adaptable than ever! Traditional metal braces are useful for correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, especially more complex or severe cases. Every patient will respond to treatment in their own way, so treatment durations will vary, but the average patient can expect to spend anywhere from 18-36 months in braces. 

Braces do come with a small learning curve. There are certain foods that you will need to avoid throughout your treatment, like crunchy or chewy foods that can cause damage to the brackets and wires. You’ll also need to adjust your dental hygiene routine. It can be tricky learning to navigate your brush around braces, particularly where flossing is concerned, but this is an essential skill to ensure that your treatment succeeds. 

Fortunately, there are a variety of accessories available to make cleaning much easier! Waterpiks help rinse inaccessible places while ortho-picks simplify flossing for you. It may seem like a lot to handle at first, but don’t worry—these precautions will become part of your daily routine before you know it. 

At Dudley Smiles, we also offer clear braces to our patients. These work the same way as metal braces but are made from clear, ceramic materials that blend in with your smile. Clear braces are an excellent option if you’re worried about the esthetic aspects of orthodontic treatment.  

Since ceramic brackets are about the same size and shape as metal brackets, they’re just as effective at straightening your smile. However, since the material they’re made of is slightly prone to chipping, we typically recommend clear braces for older teens and adult patients. 

Invisalign Clear Aligners

There are two main reasons why, year after year, Invisalign aligners prove to be our most popular alternative to braces: they’re nearly invisible, giving patients a more subtle means of straightening their smile; and they’re removable, providing a level of freedom and flexibility that other treatment methods don’t. Additionally, the smooth material from which clear aligners are made tends to be more comfortable than traditional braces, as the SmartTrack plastic is less abrasive on lips, tongues, and gums. When worn as directed, Invisalign aligners are just as efficient as braces at correcting many of the most common orthodontic issues. 

Just like braces, the total treatment time for Invisalign patients will vary from case to case, but you’ll generally need to wear yours for 9-18 months. The number of aligners needed will depend on your unique orthodontic situation, how compliant you are with the guidelines, and how your mouth responds to treatment.  

Because Invisalign aligners are removable, they’re extremely easy to maintain. They’re designed to be taken out of your mouth when eating or drinking anything other than water and before brushing and flossing. Since you don’t have your aligners in during mealtimes, there are no food restrictions. You can continue eating all your favorite snacks as long as you make sure to clean your teeth before replacing your aligners. This makes eating and caring for your teeth a less restrictive, less frustrating process!  

If you select Invisalign for your orthodontic procedure, follow-up appointments with Dr. Dudley won’t be as frequent as they would be with braces, but they’re just as important! Aligners must be worn for 20-22 hours each day and switched out every 1-2 weeks in order to keep your treatment on track. Because the aligners are custom-designed to fit each patient’s unique needs, these frequent changes are necessary in order to keep up with the mouth’s movements. Skipping appointments or missing scheduled aligner changes can negate all the hard-earned progress you’ve made, so don’t forget to keep up!

Find the Best Fit For Your Smile with Dudley Smiles

Clearly, both traditional braces and Invisalign clear aligners have many compelling pros and cons. Our expert team is happy to meet with you to discuss your options in further detail, and will only recommend the treatment they feel is best for your specific smile. Our customized treatment plans are built around your unique needs, lifestyle, and goals, so you can achieve a smile that looks and feels great in the shortest amount of time possible!

If you’re ready to discover the best treatment for your smile, get in touch today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Dudley. Our team is committed to keeping your mouth healthy and aligned for a lifetime of beautiful smiles! 

Recognizing Bad Habits That Affect Your Child’s Teeth

As a parent, you love to see your child smile and the little imperfections only add to its unique charm. However, untreated issues like crowded teeth and misalignments can interfere with your child’s ability to eat, sleep, speak, and function well at home and school. Orthodontic treatment can be a solution for many of these issues, but often the first step in fixing the problem is recognizing bad habits that affect your child’s teeth. 

While there are several factors that must be considered when it comes to a child’s oral health, one of the most common causes of misaligned teeth is bad habits like thumb sucking, extended bottle use, and many others. Destructive habits like these are frequently seen among babies, toddlers, and young children, but adults can struggle with some of them as well. Since these bad habits can lead to cosmetic and structural damage to the teeth and jaws, it’s important to address them early on! This can be as simple as patient education and minor behavior modification or may require dental and orthodontic work. 

Here at Dudley Smiles, we want to see your child’s smile thrive. Let’s take a closer look at some of the bad habits that can negatively affect your child’s teeth, and how you can tackle them with our help! Keep reading below to learn more about recognizing bad habits that affect your child’s teeth. 

Thumb and Finger Sucking

Thumb and finger sucking is probably the most common oral habit we see in young children. Most kids tend to outgrow this by the time they start school, but if it persists for a long period of time, it can cause problems, including:  

  • open bite of the front teeth
  • flared upper incisors
  • tipping of the lower incisors
  • misalignment of the future permanent teeth
  • deformities of the roof of the mouth

All of these problems can vary in intensity, depending on the severity of the habit and the position of the thumb or finger in the mouth. If left untreated, your child’s teeth may suffer cosmetically and below the surface of their smile as well. 

Although not as common as thumb or finger sucking, lip sucking can also be an issue for some children. This often results in chapped or inflamed lips, but a more serious habit can cause the upper front teeth to flare out or the lower front teeth to tilt towards the tongue. Over a long enough period of time, these teeth may lose the ability to touch when the mouth is closed.


Chewing On Objects

Children and adults both can develop the bad habit of chewing on objects like ice, pens and pencils, or fingernails. Many of these are picked up subconsciously due to boredom or distraction, but they can chip away at the enamel, crack the teeth, and irritate the soft tissue inside a tooth. 

In addition to the risk of cracking and chipping, nail-biting gives the bacteria that thrive under your fingernails an easy access point into your mouth. The COVID-19 pandemic gives us daily reminders to keep our hands away from our face and mouth to help prevent infection. 

If your child is prone to chewing on things or biting their nails, try using sugarless gum to break the habit. Younger children may respond well to a healthy snack with a satisfying crunch, like carrots, celery, or apple slices. These foods are also great for teeth and oral health!

Teeth Grinding

Anyone who’s ever experienced a child grinding their teeth at night will tell you how irritating all that crunching and squeaking can be! But teeth grinding, or bruxism, is actually a pretty common habit, especially in children and pre-teens. While research has shown that most children eventually outgrow grinding their teeth, it can still cause some problems for them while it continues. 

For example, grinding can wear down the enamel of a child’s teeth and disrupt their sleep. Some clinical studies have even demonstrated a possible link between bruxism and anxiety, stress, and depression in those who suffer from it.

Children who have experienced prolonged teeth grinding may also suffer headaches, earaches, and jaw pain. There are a number of possible causes for this bad habit, but teeth grinding is very common in children dealing with bite and alignment issues in their upper or lower jaw. Correcting these malocclusions with orthodontic treatment can help! 

Early Orthodontic Evaluations

Developing good oral habits in your children is critical, and stopping bad habits is just as important! This is one reason the American Association of Orthodontists and our doctors recommend that all children see an orthodontist by the time they’re 7 years old! Some parents are surprised by this suggestion since most kids that age still have developing mouths and a large number of baby teeth left, but the back bite is already established. That means orthodontists can evaluate the side-to-side and front-to-back tooth relationships and assess the child’s bite. 

An orthodontic evaluation doesn’t necessarily lead to orthodontic treatment! In fact, we recommend immediate orthodontic treatment for only a small fraction of the younger patients we see. Early evaluations are still valuable, though. That’s because they allow us to monitor a child’s oral development as they grow and catch any issues that may cause problems now or in the future. When we’re given the opportunity to begin treatment at the most opportune time, we can help a child’s smile grow correctly. This gives them the best chance for a lifetime of healthy smiles! 


Break Bad Habits and Gain A Healthier Smile with Dudley Smiles 

Although an experienced orthodontist like Dr. Dudley is able to correct misaligned teeth and other issues, identifying a bad oral habit is an important aspect of any diagnosis. Recognizing bad habits that affect your child’s teeth is important to a healthy smile. Our customized treatment plans will take into account any destructive oral habits and include ways to correct or eliminate them. If you’re in Issaquah, Kent, or the surrounding areas and have a child who might need a little help breaking a bad oral habit, get in touch with us today and schedule a FREE consultation!                                                                                                                                

The Benefits Of Choosing An Orthodontist Vs. DTC Aligners

This time of year, and especially this year, it’s clear how fortunate we are to live in a world where anything we need is practically at our fingertips. From toilet paper and cereal to cat food and Christmas presents, most of us are used to buying what we need with the click of a button and having it delivered to our doorstep a day or two later. While this culture of convenience has certainly made life easier, it’s come with some unexpected consequences as well. That’s true even in the world of orthodontics. That’s why we’re taking a look at the benefits of choosing an orthodontist vs. DTC aligners.

Recently, we’ve noticed an increase in the number of direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies promising patients a cheaper way to straighten their teeth without leaving home. It’s easy to see why this would be tempting to those hoping to improve their smile from the comfort of their own couch! Yet most dental and orthodontic professionals are warning against using these aligners. Why? Keep reading below to find out what Dudley Smiles has to say about DTC aligners and why you should only trust your teeth to an expert like Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove

Based on Invisalign aligners

We’re proud to offer Invisalign clear aligners to patients in Issaquah, Kent, and the surrounding communities. This innovative system uses a series of customized removable aligners to move a patient’s teeth into the desired positions over time and is our most popular alternative to traditional braces. Most direct-to-consumer companies have based their aligners on the unique design Invisalign pioneered, but don’t be fooled! While they may look similar and work in essentially the same way, there are several key differences in how the treatment process works. 

The Benefits Of Choosing An Orthodontist Vs. Direct-To-Consumer Aligners

What treatment looks like with an experienced orthodontist

A trained orthodontist spends many years learning how to identify and treat common orthodontic issues like misalignments and crowded teeth. The first step in any orthodontic journey will normally be an evaluation, which we offer at no charge. At Dudley Smiles, your initial visit will include a complete oral exam and a discussion with one of our doctors about any areas of concern. We’ll be able to tell you if you’re a good fit for Invisalign following this exam. 

If you decide to move forward with Invisalign treatment, we’ll begin by taking a set of digital photos and x-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. We’ll generate your first set of aligners from these images, ensuring a custom fit that’s both comfortable and effective. You’ll be scheduled for regular follow-up visits throughout the treatment process so we can ensure everything is proceeding according to your treatment plan.

Once treatment is complete, you’ll be provided with a retainer to help keep your newly straightened teeth in place. As you can see, our team will give you expert support and top-quality care from your first appointment to the last—and beyond!  

How does this differ from treatment with DTC aligner companies?

When you choose aligners from a direct-to-consumer company, the treatment process is very different. The biggest issue is that there is no expert guidance involved. You won’t receive an oral exam or have any digital images taken before deciding on a treatment plan. The company will ask you for some basic healthcare information, but you’ll be expected to take your own tooth impressions and send them back in. Since most patients aren’t trained in taking orthodontic impressions, this isn’t ideal and can easily lead to inaccurate molds.

Dental health can also be an issue. The teeth and gums should always be in good condition before attempting any type of tooth movement. When you have a patient providing their own images and impressions, cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems can be missed or worsen over time. This can lengthen treatment times and end in less than optimal results. 

Additionally, clear aligners are not recommended for everyone. For example, patients who have especially complex or severe cases may require more precise tooth control than aligners can provide and traditional braces may be a better option. Without the guidance of a trained orthodontist, you may be signing up for a “one size fits all” approach to straightening smiles. 

Why should the treatment process be supervised by an orthodontist?

When you work with experienced orthodontists like Dr. Dudley and Dr. Freelove, you’ll have access to guidance and supervision throughout your orthodontic journey. This is something DTC aligner companies just aren’t able to provide to patients. Unfortunately, this leaves you more or less on your own through the treatment process, which can open you up to a number of unforeseen issues. 

Take aligners that don’t fit well, for example. The friction can cause irritation and pain, and may also affect how effective the treatment process is. With no orthodontist directly involved, this can go untreated and may cause damage to your bite over time. It can even impact your overall oral health, eventually. While DTC aligners may seem like an inexpensive and easy way to straighten your smile from home, they could end up costing you more in the long run when you take into account all the potential risks. 

The Benefits Of Choosing An Orthodontist Vs. Direct-To-Consumer Aligners

Trust your smile to the expert team at Dudley Smiles

Your smile is too important to trust to anything less than an expert! When you choose Dudley Smiles for all your orthodontic needs, you’ll receive a customized treatment plan that’s built around your unique smile, preferences, and goals. Our doctors will always recommend the best treatment method for you, whether it’s Invisalign aligners or another option. You won’t receive this level of skill or supervised care with a generic direct-to-consumer company!

Not only that, but many orthodontic practices offer pricing that is comparable to DTC aligner companies anyway. At Dudley Smiles, we’re committed to providing a variety of affordable treatment options and payment plans to fit every budget. Would you like more information on how our expert team can safely and effectively transform your smile? Get in touch today to schedule your FREE consultation with our expert team!

How Much Do Braces Cost?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, one of the questions we get most often here at Dudley Smiles is “how much do braces cost?” With multiple treatment options to choose from and customized treatment plans for every patient, the answer to that question will depend on a few different variables! These include:

  • The type of braces chosen
  • Whether the braces are for an adult or a child
  • The orthodontic issues being corrected
  • How long braces will be needed
  • If the patient has dental insurance that covers orthodontics
  • The orthodontist providing treatment
  • The area in which the patient lives and will be receiving treatment

Factors such as these play a part in the total cost of treatment. For example, traditional metal braces are generally the least expensive option, while clear braces, LightForce braces, or Invisalign clear aligner therapy may cost slightly more. Orthodontic treatment for children will often be a bit less expensive than adult treatment, though this will vary from case to case. Patients who have more severe or complex problems may require longer treatment times, more appointments, and longer treatment times.  

What does the total cost of treatment include?

No need to worry about hidden costs or unwelcome surprises with Dudley Smiles Orthodontics. We’ll outline everything included in the treatment plan before ever beginning the active phase of your orthodontic process. Our individualized treatment plans contain everything needed for beautiful results that last, including:

  • all appointments, including emergency visits
  • braces or aligners
  • retainers
  • post-treatment follow-up visits
  • an oral hygiene starter pack

Our fees encompass the skill of our expert team, the quality of the products we use, and the top-notch service we provide. Dr. Dudley is passionate about creating healthy, beautiful smiles in Issaquah, Kent, and the surrounding areas. We know braces are a significant investment and we are proud to help patients achieve a confident smile they’ll enjoy for many years to come.


What is the average cost for braces?

While there is no “one size fits all” answer for how much orthodontic treatment will cost, the average cost for a child can be anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000, while adult braces or aligners can cost from $3,000 to $6,500. Again, the total cost of braces will depend on the individual patient’s specific needs, along with the factors mentioned above.

Using dental insurance to cover orthodontic treatment

Some dental insurance plans will cover orthodontic treatment, but the coverage rules and policies can be confusing. We have many years of experience working with insurance companies and we’re committed to helping our patients receive the maximum coverage! Most insurance benefits will range from $1,000 to $2,000 depending on the plan.

Each customized treatment plan is based upon the patient’s unique health needs and the professional judgment of Dr. Dudley. We won’t recommend treatment based on whether or not certain treatment options are covered by insurance. Instead, our patients are presented with a plan that best meets their needs. 

Once a patient has seen Dr. Dudley for a consultation and received a diagnosis and treatment plan, those with dental insurance should check with their provider to see what they will and will not cover in the way of orthodontic treatment. Our team will be glad to help you in determining your orthodontic benefits and filing any insurance claims. Any co-payments or out-of-pocket expenses will be estimated in advance of treatment. 

If insurance will not cover treatment, can the cost be deducted?

If orthodontic treatment is considered to be medically necessary, the associated costs may be tax-deductible. However, the cost has to exceed a certain amount before any deductions would kick in. Patients should keep track of all expenses associated with orthodontic treatment if they wish to deduct the costs, including co-pays and check-up visits.  You can oftentimes use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for orthodontic treatment.  We would be happy to help you with the paperwork to submit for either FSA or HSA.

Will Medicaid cover the cost of orthodontic treatment?

Treatment costs may be covered by Medicaid if the patient’s braces are deemed medically necessary. Unfortunately, Medicaid does not cover routine orthodontic treatment, and is not available through our office. For those who want to learn more about this possibility, visit It is important to ask about the percentage of coverage and the lifetime maximum before proceeding with treatment.


Beautiful smiles are worth the investment at Dudley Smiles

A smile is too important to comparison shop based only on price. While it’s human nature to want a good deal, when it comes to choosing an orthodontist, skill and experience are the most important factors. Patients will spend quite a bit of time visiting their orthodontist’s office throughout treatment, so pick a practice that feels warm, welcoming, and comfortable! 

Orthodontic treatment is about more than just improving a patient’s cosmetic appearance. Oral health plays an important role in total body health. Misaligned teeth can increase the risk for cavities, tooth decay, pain and soreness in the head and neck, and gum disease, among other things. Although orthodontic treatment can be a significant investment, it’s one that can last a lifetime!

At Dudley Smiles, we strive to provide patients with a positive and stress-free orthodontic experience, from the first appointment to the last. We believe everyone should have access to high-quality, affordable orthodontic care, and work hard to ensure this for every patient.

To learn more about beautiful smiles, costs, and payment options, contact us for a free consultation with Dr. Dudley. We can’t wait to meet you!

Questions To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

Here at Dudley Smiles, we want our patients to feel informed and empowered from their initial consultation to their final appointment. After all, choosing to improve your oral health with orthodontic treatment is a big decision! As an educated patient, you’ll know that your smile is too important to trust to anything less than an experienced orthodontist. But what if you’re not sure how to find one? To get you started on your orthodontic journey, we’ve put together this list of questions to ask when choosing an orthodontist to make an informed decision on your care.

Let’s take a closer look at what you should know before committing to an orthodontic practice for your treatment!

Are you seeing a trained orthodontic specialist?

It may seem obvious, but this is actually the most important question you can ask when exploring braces treatment or clear aligner therapy. That’s because some general dentists are also able to provide orthodontic treatment, even though they don’t specialize in it. 

A general dentist will typically offer common dental services such as crowns, fillings, dentures, and occasional orthodontic treatment like Invisalign. An orthodontist, on the other hand, spends their days providing only orthodontic services.

This distinction actually matters a great deal. Imagine for a moment that you or your child required specialized treatment or surgery. Would you feel comfortable with your family physician handling your case, or would you prefer a dedicated specialist? 

Orthodontists are essentially dentists who also have several years of additional specialized training and experience. This means an orthodontist has:

  • studied the growth and maturation of the teeth and jaw
  • been introduced to numerous case studies
  • developed diagnostic skills
  • learned biomechanical techniques to properly move teeth
  • studied how to change the development of the dental alveolar complex and facial  growth of younger patients

To give you an idea of how competitive orthodontic residency programs are, they only accept the top students from any dental school’s graduating class. These orthodontic programs tend to last around two to three years and include full-time training that focuses on correcting orthodontic issues with braces and aligners. While there are exceptions to every rule, most dentists will not possess this same level of exhaustive orthodontic training and experience. 

Dr. Silas Dudley is passionate about improving his patients’ lives through orthodontic treatment! As a native of Mercer Island, Dr. Dudley attended Pepperdine University for his undergraduate career before going on to complete his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry.  

Dr. Dudley chose orthodontics because he wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, helping them build confidence and self-esteem. He earned his Orthodontic Certificate and Master of Science in Dentistry from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine. Today, he is proud to treat patients of all ages in Issaquah, Kent, and the surrounding communities. 

Questions To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

What treatment options does the orthodontist offer?

Dudley Smiles offers a wide variety of aesthetic treatments available to patients in Issaquah and Kent, including clear braces and clear aligners.

Metal braces

Traditional metal braces are the most common type of braces and are more comfortable today than ever before. Made of high-grade stainless steel, metal braces straighten your teeth using metal brackets and archwires. With metal braces, you have the option of adding colored elastics (rubber bands) for a more unique and colorful smile.

Clear braces

Sometimes called ceramic braces, these function in the same way metal braces do, but are made of clear materials instead of stainless steel. Because they are less visible than traditional braces, they’re popular with older teens and adult patients who may be more image-conscious. They are larger and more brittle than their metal counterparts, so we tend to use them on the upper front teeth more often than the lower teeth. 


The Invisalign system is made up of a series of customized aligners that are nearly invisible and completely removable. Unlike traditional braces, no brackets and wires are needed to move the teeth! This offers our Dudley Smiles patients a measure of freedom and flexibility that traditional braces just can’t beat. Designed to fit snugly but comfortably over your own teeth, Invisalign provides a more subtle and comfortable orthodontic experience. When worn the recommended 20-22 hours per day, and changed out weekly with the next in the set, these aligners will gradually move your teeth into the desired positions.

Invisalign Teen

Although Invisalign and Invisalign Teen work the same way when it comes to the underlying technology, Invisalign Teen was developed with the unique needs of teen patients in mind. There are a few special features that are specific to the Invisalign Teen system, including the following:

Compliance indicators

To help teens stick to their treatment plan, Invisalign Teen has a compliance indicator incorporated into each aligner. This will fade from blue to clear as it is used, providing a visual approximation of wear. This lets patients, parents, and Dr. Dudley keep track of patient use. If a teen is skipping out on hours, it will be noticeable in enough time for us to correct compliance, thus keeping the overall process moving along at the right pace.

Eruption tabs

This feature accommodates the growth of the second molars in young adults, helping to keep space open for unerupted teeth and making it possible to treat a wider range of conditions with Invisalign.

Replacement aligners

We all lose or damage things from time to time. While we encourage all of our Invisalign patients to be careful with their aligners, teens don’t need to worry about misplacing or losing one. Invisalign Teen anticipates it happening, and provides up to six replacement aligners at no charge, just in case!

How frequent are follow-up visits with the orthodontist?

Whatever treatment option you choose, you can expect relatively frequent visits to your orthodontist. For most patients, adjustment appointments will be scheduled for every 4-8 weeks or so in the office location most convenient for you. During these visits, Dr. Dudley will replace any worn-out rubber bands, check the progress your teeth are making, and make adjustments to the wires to ensure that the teeth are moving in the right direction. 

Patients in clear aligners may be seen slightly less frequently, but these appointments are still an essential part of the orthodontic process, so you don’t want to miss them. 

While treatment time will always vary from case to case, the average patient will spend anywhere from 12-36 months years in treatment. You’ll be seeing us regularly throughout your orthodontic journey! We know families these days are busy, and we value your time, so we never overbook patients and always aim to see you at your scheduled time.

Questions To Ask When Choosing An Orthodontist

Leave your smile to the experts at Dudley Smiles

Once you know what to ask when choosing an orthodontist, you’ll be able to make the best choice for your smile. If you’re looking for the best in orthodontic care, Dr. Dudley is unmatched in skill, expertise, and the attention to detail he offers every patient. Since our sole specialty at Dudley Smiles is orthodontics, you’ll receive nothing but the best in treatments, cost, and efficiency as we work to give you a stunning smile that’s unforgettable!

If you’re ready to take the first step in your orthodontic journey, we would love to meet you and talk more about the smile you want! There’s never been a better time to take the first step towards a healthier smile, so get in touch today to schedule your FREE consultation with Dr. Dudley!

The Truth About Invisalign

Traditional braces have experienced some pretty exciting advancements, including changes to their design, shape, and size. The braces we currently use are smaller, more aesthetically pleasing, and more efficient than ever before, correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues. As innovative as these new designs have been, some patients are still on the fence about using braces to straighten their smile. If this sounds like you, there’s another option available to align your teeth and improve your oral health! Are you ready to learn the truth about Invisalign?

Dudley Smiles Orthodontics is proud to offer Invisalign clear aligner therapy as an alternative to traditional braces. This exciting system lets patients achieve the same beautiful results as braces without brackets, wires, or bands. Because Invisalign is still a relatively new orthodontic option, not everyone knows what it is and what it can do. There are quite a few misconceptions out there about Invisalign, so keep reading below as we clear them up and let you know precisely what you can expect from the Invisalign system.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign clear aligners have been around since the late 1990s, but similar trays were used for decades before that as post-treatment retainers. Invisalign’s software and technology allows us to move crooked and misaligned teeth in stages using nothing more than a series of customized aligners. At the end of each step, patients replace their current aligner with the next in the series to keep up with the teeth’ movement. You’ll probably change them every 1-2 weeks, but the exact time frame depends on each patient’s treatment plan.

Originally Invisalign was used for simple spacing issues or very mild crowding. As orthodontists began to realize its potential, however, Invisalign aligners were designed to more efficiently move teeth in most mild to moderate cases. With patient compliance, Invisalign aligners can be just as effective as traditional braces. Just ask the 7 million patients who have been treated with Invisalign all over the world!

Does Invisalign treatment take longer than braces?

To be successful, any kind of orthodontic treatment relies on a commitment from the patient. Compliance is particularly crucial with Invisalign. Traditional braces are a fixed appliance, with brackets affixed to the actual surface of the teeth. That means a great deal of hard work is done without too much effort from the patient. However, Invisalign aligners are removable, and you have to wear  20-22 hours a day for the system to work properly. Patients who neglect to do so won’t see the results they desire and may face longer treatment times in general.

Unfortunately, there’s no “one size fits all” answer to how long a patient will need orthodontic treatment. Every case is different, and each patient will respond to treatment in their way. However, most people will wear Invisalign aligners for anywhere from 4–18 months, with 7–30 aligners typically used for the treatment. And treatment can be just as fast or sometimes even faster than braces!

The truth about Invisalign

Is Invisalign more expensive than braces?

There are several factors associated with the overall cost of any treatment. In our office, you’ll be able to choose a treatment option that will fit best with your lifestyle. We’ll do everything we can to help you fit Invisalign treatment into your budget as easily as traditional braces. 

Our practice is committed to providing high-quality, affordable orthodontic care to patients of all ages in Issaquah and the surrounding communities. We have no-interest extended financing available to spread your payments over the total length of treatment, and you can set up automatic bank drafts online or on your credit card.  We can even work with you to coincide with your billing cycles with your pay periods to eliminate any stress. A better smile is always in the budget at Dudley Smiles Orthodontics!

Does Invisalign have any advantages over traditional braces?

Invisalign allows patients freedom and flexibility that more traditional treatment methods just can’t beat. Food restrictions are a perfect example of this. One of the most challenging parts of treatment for many patients is giving up some of their favorite foods to keep their braces safe. They must avoid anything crunchy or chewy, which eliminates several popular foods and snacks. With Invisalign, this is never an issue! The aligners are simply taken out before eating, then put back in when the patient is done. Not having any food restrictions makes orthodontic treatment a lot more manageable (and fun!)

Removable aligners also make it easier to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. Brushing and flossing around wires, brackets, and bands can be frustrating and time-consuming, but you remove Invisalign aligners before brushing and flossing as usual. Caring for the aligners themselves is a cinch, too! There are special kits designed to clean them, or they can be gently brushed using toothpaste and a soft toothbrush.

Without any wires or brackets to get in the way, Invisalign’s removable aligners are great for athletes and musicians who play specific instruments. Since you can take them out for short periods, they are also perfect for any special event when you want your natural smile to shine through, such as prom, weddings, or even senior pictures.  

Will Invisalign work for everyone?

Invisalign tends to work best for teens, and adult patients with all their permanent teeth have grown.  We have even started doing Invisalign for Phase I (early treatment) as early as age seven! With our extensive training and experience in Invisalign treatment, we can confidently treat almost every type of alignment or bite issue from minor to severe bite and teeth malalignment. When you schedule a complimentary consultation with us, our doctor will determine if Invisalign is a good fit for your unique smile, or if you would be better served by orthodontic treatment using traditional braces. In many cases, patients can choose between braces and Invisalign aligners! 

Dr. Dudley and a patient

What happens once Invisalign treatment is complete?

Whatever method of orthodontic treatment a patient chooses, the teeth always remember their previous places in the mouth. Over time, they will naturally begin to drift back towards those positions if nothing is there to stop them. That’s why retainers are an essential component for lasting results! Our office will provide you with a retainer once your treatment is complete. Wearing this retainer exactly as directed by our doctors will help keep your newly straightened smiles in place for years to come.

Trust your smile to the Invisalign experts at Dudley Smiles Orthodontics

As Invisalign Platinum Providers, you can trust our expert team to give you a smile that looks good and feels great! As our most popular alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign’s innovative aligner system continues to change the way people view orthodontic treatment. To learn more about the incredible things Invisalign can do for your smile, get in touch with us today to schedule a FREE consultation!